
[DIY] Neon bracelet

Hi ya!

I think I should share some of my DIY creation since I've been back to enjoy doing them for a while. Those are some H&M bracelet I bought but end up don't like them and I think it's a waste just leave them there, so I grab some nylon cords to give them a whole new look. I'm quite happy with the result! If you want a tutorial just let me know, but I think it's so easy to make no one will ask for a tutorial... Btw I hope this post inspires you to DIY and recycle your old jewelry! Have fun ~

p/s : I wanted to change my blog URL to setmefree.blogspot.com or littleskull to match my tumblr but they are all taken! I logged in these 2 URLs and both of them are rubbish blogs, one is empy and one has like 3 posts about how rubbish life is. Seriously, Blogger, you should remove those blogs because they are pretty useless and such a waste of good URLs =.=

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